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Unmasking the Hidden Culprits of Type 2 Diabetes [Part 2]

In our previous discussion, we dived into the intricate relationship between medicine and chiropractic care in managing diabetes. We discovered that while diabetes may manifest as high blood sugar, its root cause lies in prolonged high levels of insulin. We now know that prolonged high levels of insulin are the root cause of type 2 diabetes and high blood sugar is a “side effect”. We also know that eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates and consuming inflammatory seed oils (canola, vegetable, soy, etc.) are equally as bad, if not worse.

In this installment, we will unravel the complexities of insulin’s role in our health and how it connects to various chronic diseases, from blood pressure issues to cancer and even low energy levels.

The Menace of Prolonged High Insulin Levels

Insulin, often dubbed the “fat-storage hormone,” plays a pivotal role in our metabolic system. It’s the key that unlocks our cells, allowing glucose to enter and provide us with energy. However, when our blood sugar levels remain persistently high due to dietary choices, insulin goes into overdrive, storing excess sugar in fat cells, ultimately leading to a multitude of health issues.


Blood Pressure and the Insulin Connection

High blood pressure is a silent assassin that affects millions worldwide. What’s intriguing is that insulin is more involved in blood pressure regulation than most people realize. Insulin retains sodium in the kidneys, leading to fluid retention and consequently, elevated blood pressure. But don’t blame salt entirely; it’s an essential mineral for our bodies. The key to maintaining normal blood pressure lies in managing insulin levels by adopting a whole-food diet free from hidden salts. By doing so, we can ensure our blood vessels remain healthy and flexible.

Furthermore, insulin, acting as a growth hormone, has a profound impact on our blood vessels. Prolonged exposure to elevated insulin levels can cause the muscles lining our arteries to thicken, narrowing the vessels and thereby increasing blood pressure. This underlines the importance of keeping insulin in check to maintain optimal cardiovascular health.

The Insulin-Cancer Connection

Cancer is a relentless adversary, and its prevalence in our society today is a cause for concern. While cancerous cells exist in all of us, a healthy immune system can often keep them in check. However, unregulated cell growth is at the core of cancer, and high levels of insulin exacerbate this issue.

Prolonged exposure to elevated insulin can create a more favorable environment for cancer cells to thrive. Hence, it’s imperative to address the insulin factor when dealing with cancer or pre-cancerous cells. By managing insulin levels through diet and lifestyle choices, we may be able to reduce our cancer risk and improve overall health.


Unlocking Energy Potential

Low energy levels plague a significant portion of the population, with metabolic inflexibility being a key culprit. Our bodies are designed to burn both sugar and fat for energy, but modern eating habits often skew this balance. The constant influx of carbohydrates leads to blood sugar spikes and insulin surges, pushing excess sugar into fat cells and causing the notorious “sugar spike and crash.”

Metabolic inflexibility, where our bodies primarily rely on sugar for fuel, leaves us fatigued and prone to mood swings. The solution? Regain control over our metabolism by moderating carbohydrate intake and opting for a diet that encourages fat burning. This shift can help restore energy levels and promote stable moods.

Stay tuned for our next installment, where we’ll dive deeper into understanding how to manage your health and diabetes. In the meantime, remember that your choices today can shape a healthier tomorrow.

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